Anyway, I think what made me fall in love with this show was this right here:
You know, I think this is the first show (that I have seen) that has portrayed a homosexual relationship in such a "normal" (air-quotes because, seriously, "normal" is a social construction so I use the term very loosely) and natural and honest way. I know that Caprica did it too but not in the same way because Sam and his husband (boyfriend? I don't even know his name) because it was so on the outskirts of the story -- SFU really showed the self-destructive nature of shame and internalized bigotry -- David's discomfort, his yearning ache, his acute loneliness was so tangible and honest in a way that Caprica could never explore much less address.
The last two episodes of the season were particular amazing in that regard since it culminated with David overcoming his shame and coming out to his family, his church - with a beautiful message of love and shame...I just cheered inside and kind of gave a squeaky little fangirling awwwww on the outside (then rewound it and watched it again). And I'm not even religious and it hit me right in the heart.
Just...beautiful and fantastic.
But yeah -- it was nice to have a same-sex relationship portrayed in a non-stereotypical way. I like what Glee is trying (unsuccessfully) to do with their gay characters, but it still comes off as stereotypical and shallow. Same with Ugly Betty. This was very, very nice. Multi-faceted. Complex. Fascinating. Human.
I really like the way they portray relationships in general in this show -- I never felt like throttling any of the characters, which was refreshing. Honesty for a change!
Much to my surprise, I really like Brenda and Nate's relationship. To my greater surprise, I actually liked Nate (I'm not sure -- I thought he'd be the typical lady's man-joker-person-thing, but he's not). It's nice.
And let's not forget Rico (who kinda-sorta is one of my fave characters):
God, he's gorgeous. (He's even more gorgeous when he smiles.) I swear, when Freddie RodrÃguez doesn't have a beard he is one of the cutest people ever. He was the best thing that ever happened to Ugly Betty and Grindhouse.
Though I have to say Rico lost a few cosmic bonus points when he waxed a little homophobic when David came out to him -- but then he was really nice to David and considered him family. I wonder if the show will explore that aspect of their relationship more or just leave it that...curious minds want to know.
But yeah. Lots of love for Rico - the bit about the baby episode had me close to tears a few times. He needs more screen time!